Category Archives: About FIRMS

What our clients say about FIRMS.

At FIRMS we take great pride in our customer satisfaction.  We originally got started in the debt collection industry because we knew that FIRMS would make an impact on the debt collection industry in a very crucial way.  We knew we would work harder and smarter than any one of our competitors.  

Let me ask you a question.  How is your current debt collection company working for you?  Are they available for you when you need them?  Do you they have a high-quality customer website for you to get up to date and real time account information?  Do they notify you when you an account has been paid?  Do they customize their services to fit your company’s needs and wants?  I would imagine most of your answers were no.  That’s because FIRMS has created something unique; a debt collection company that cares.

We hear two simple words time and time again from our customers.  Those two words are “Thank You.”  Our clients constantly contact us to say thank you for all the hard work we do for them.  We hear about how impressed they are at our customer service, our technology that makes their lives easier, and our rate of return.  We have always believed that it is better to attract bee’s with honey and we consider our impeccable customer service and business savvy to be that honey.

So stop worrying about the issues you’re having with your current debt collection company.  Don’t worry about if the accounts will get paid, if your business will be able to afford to stay open, or whether or not your current provider is practicing poor business and collection techniques in your name.  Give FIRMS a call today and let us show you how a debt collection company can really work for your business.


When and How to Hire a Debt Collection Company

At FIRMS we realize that some of our potential clients have never worked with a debt collection company before.  We have found a very insightful and helpful article written by that will help guide you through the process and some tips to consider when making your choice.

When to hire a collection agency

Most companies send accounts to a collection agency when they are between 90 and 120 days past due. If you wait longer than that, you’re far less likely to recover the debt. The more time that passes, the lower the chances. Generally, it’s time to start thinking about hiring a collection agency if:

  • New customers do not respond to your first attempt to collect the debt. When you do not have a history of transactions with the customer, there’s a greater chance they will refuse to pay or never intended to.
  • You’ve agreed to a payment plan, but the customer does not follow through. Customers who still won’t pay after you’ve agreed to meet them halfway with a payment plan are unlikely to change their minds.
  • A customer completely denies responsibility for the debt. Without a collection agency, these debts are rarely recovered.
  • The customer makes unfounded complaints about your business, product or service as an excuse not to pay. Most of the time, these complaints are just an excuse to get out of paying the debt.
  • The customer is going through a serious personal situation such as a divorce. Often, one spouse blames the other for the debt. A collection agency will be able to get to the bottom of who’s responsible.
  • The customer has a long history of being financially irresponsible.

Deciding when to hire a collection agency is a personal choice, of course. But once it becomes clear you’ve exhausted all your options and aren’t getting anywhere, the debt is better left in the hands of a professional agency. It is better to recover some portion of the debt than none of it.

Choosing a collection agency

There are more than 5,000 collection agencies in the United States alone, and not all are alike — far from it, in fact. Some handle consumer accounts, while others specialize in business-to-business (B2B) collections. The biggest firms often handle both. Some collection agencies specialize in certain industries such as medical, insurance, utilities, credit cards, mortgages or auto loans, while others work for a number of industries. There are agencies that cater specifically to small businesses and those that cater to large corporations. Some agencies are local or statewide in focus, while others are national firms.

Generally, it is important to hire a collection agency that has an established track record of successful collections in your industry. The agency needs to be familiar with the terminology in your industry, and the rules or regulations set forth by state or federal agencies governing your industry, if applicable. If you’re in the medical field, for example, the agency needs to be well versed in insurance requirements and medical terms. If you have consumer debt, find an agency that specializes in consumer debt.

It is always important to focus and choose a debt collection company that will work best with your company.  And guess what?  FIRMS is that debt collection company that will work best with you!

We hope to hear from you soon!



The Need For Cash

There are thousands of blogs, articles, books, and workshops floating around in the world that are all circulated around the same topic; how to get out of debt.

There are differing opinions and views about how to get out of debt, stay out of debt, and better manage your personal finances.  Among the vast majority of those views is the same principle; track your spending.

We live in a world where money is electronic.  today we have credit and debit cards, papal accounts, apple pay, Samsung pay, and Bit Coins.  Money has become numbers on a screen and has lost it’s reality as total value.  Studies show it is easier to spend more money with electronically than it is when you have the cold, hard cash in your hand.

Tracking your spending starts with using cash and leaving your debit card at home.  Let’s say you’re going out to a local electronics store to buy a new television.  You have a budget in mind of $300.  You have done your research at home, you know exactly which model you want to buy and so you go out with the exact amount the television will cost in cash.  You get to the store and begin walking around looking at all of the bigger, brighter, and more defined televisions.  Suddenly the great model you found for $300 seems too small or too dim.  What are you going to do?  If you’re smart, you’ll buy your television for the $300 you planned and you’ll be happy because a $300 television is an upgrade from what you own now.  Maybe you will leave the store without a television and you’ll go home and save for a week or two until you can afford the nicer model.  Now, let’s pretend you are not that smart, which we all know you are.  But let’s say you forgot to leave your credit card at home and guess what?  You have $500 available on that card!  That means you can take your cash and your credit card and buy an $800 television!  Sadly, this is what most of us do on a daily basis.  Maybe we our budget says we have $5 to spend on lunch.  You decide to go to Panera bread for lunch and notice there’s a great lunch special for $10 and it looks delicious.  You have your debit card in hand and decide to double your budget for lunch that day.  Guess what, chances are you’re going to do the same thing 3 days out of the week, spend more money than you budgeted because you decided to leave home with your debit card.

See, this is where tracking your spending and paying with cash will benefit you.  If you track your spending you can see those patterns developing over time and see how much you actually spend over budget each week because of using your credit or debit card instead of sticking to your budget and paying with cash.

FIRMS is an odd debt collection agency.  Why is FIRMS different than most debt collections companies?  Because we don’t want you to go into debt, we want to help you get out of and stay out of debt.

We hope this helps,




FIRMS – Changing the Debt Collection Industry

There was a national article written sometime in 2008 that got a lot of attention for the debt collection industry, a lot of negative attention.  In the article you can read the story of a journalist out of Buffalo New York who went undercover at one of the nation’s largest debt collection agencies.  The article details all of the horrid practices that the debt collection industry is known for.  Harassing customers, making up titles for themselves, in the article the story talks about one employee who masked himself as a “fraud investigator” to make the person he was collecting debt from become scared and hopefully make them settle their debts immediately.  Whatever the practices, the fact remains the industry has some bad eggs out there hurting the people they are collecting from and the businesses they are trying to help grow.

This is one of the main reasons we started FIRMS in the first place.  We wanted to help businesses grow and collect on those outstanding debts but we also wanted to help those average Americans who’d gotten a little behind on their bills or lost their job, we wanted to make sure we were holding true to the best business practices possible.

I cannot begin to tell you how many customers we have that tell us how easy the process is when they are receiving calls from FIRMS.  We make sure that our call specialists are trained to be polite and friendly when contacting individuals who have fallen behind on their bills. We ensure our customers, the local veterinarians or the local optometrist that are working hard to keep their doors open, that we will help them collect on debt and maintain a positive image for their company.

At the end of the day, FIRMS is not just collecting debt from ordinary people, we are making a difference in local communities.  FIRMS is helping solidify the good customer service practices of local businesses we are helping to collect on those outstanding debts.

Contact FIRMS today and let us show you how we can help your business collect and how we can do so with the best practices around!


FIRMS Goal for 2016

    Today is the end of a year, 2015, and what a great year it was!  Tomorrow is a new beginning, a new start, a new opportunity for individuals and businesses to grow and to change and to reach the goals and accomplish those tasks that have been on the to-do list for awhile.

At FIRMS we take great pride in being one of the premier debt collection companies in the industry.  Our focus has always been and will continue to be helping doctors office, small businesses, and any other company stay open and profitable by helping to collect on outstanding debts.  FIRMS is very unique and vastly different from other debt collections agencies because we are not just focused on collecting money but on making sure we change the debt collection game in the process.

We have written before about some of the ways FIRMS is unique.  Whether it be our focus on making the account management fast and simple for office managers, or our dedication to helping those individuals we contact to collect from by writing their resume and helping them find work when they are unemployed, or it could be our wanting to change the debt collection industry by offering our clients complete transparency when it comes to the collection process and account updates.

FIRMS is making 2016 a year of growth and change.  We are more committed than ever to help our clients collect on those outstanding debts and to help local communities by collecting in a friendly, uplifting, and effective process.

If you have been reading and are curious as to how FIRMS can help your business, now is the time to contact our offices.  Don’t put off for tomorrow what you should be doing today.

We wish you a very happy New Year and look forward to working with you!
     – FIRMS

What we can learn from Steve Harvey

    I would imagine most everyone in the universe has been reading about the mishap with Steve Harvey and the Miss Universe competition that happened last week where Steve Harvey announced the wrong winner in front of the entire world.   

Everyone has some experience in our lives where we can relate to Steve Harvey and the embarrassment that followed the broadcast.  Granted, most of us reading this have not made such a large mistake on national television but we have made embarrassing mistakes in our lives in the past.  Maybe we have made poor financial mistakes and now find ourselves living with an embarrassment because we are too far in debt and don’t know how to get out.

Living with debt can be embarrassing because it keeps us from living a life we would like to live, at least it can feel that way sometimes.  Maybe we are driving an old, beat-up car and cannot afford a newer, better looking model because of our debt and financial situation.  Maybe we cannot afford the new home because of our credit score.  Whatever the reason may be the fact remains that we can learn three vital lessons from Steve Harvey and the Miss Universe competition that will help us face our debt and work towards moving past our financial obstacles in life.

  1. Turn and walk away.  Once Steve Harvey had announced his mistake and corrected the error, he turned and walked off stage.  Now, FIRMS is not recommending that you walk away from your debt before you’ve had the chance to pay it off, more that you walk away from the embarrassment and the error.  Don’t linger in the mistakes but turn your back on the financial mishaps you have made and begin the journey to a better financial future.
  2. The next thing Steve Harvey did was issue an apology for the mistake.  Now, you don’t have to tweet out that you have made some financial mistakes.  But you need to acknowledge the mistakes you have made and move forward, don’t allow yourself to stay in the pain of being financially behind.
  3. Laugh it off.  Steve Harvey sent out a meme on his Facebook page where he was making fun of himself for the mistake.  It’s always important that we learn to laugh at ourselves and not let the weight of the situation drag us down further.  Get out in front of the issue and show yourself you can move on.

Not everyone understands the reality that being in debt is not just a financial situation but that it can affect us emotionally, physically, and financially.  You have to have a plan to move forward and get back on track with your finances and your life.  Being a premier debt collection agency, FIRMS is seeking to do just that, to help you find your way out of debt.

We understand it can seem contrary to the plan of a debt collection company to help people get out of and avoid going into debt.  But the truth is we are constantly seeking ways to help people better manage their finances, their careers, and help them live better and more financially stable lives.

FIRMS is here to help with any debt or financial question you might have.  Leave your comments below and we will address them in future blog posts.



Saving Money During The Holiday’s

    Christmas Day is only ONE WEEK away!  Where has 2015 gone?  While most of you are no doubt almost finished with your holiday and Christmas gift buying there is still time to avoid going into debt and save money and at FIRMS, the premiere debt collection company, we are hoping to help you do just that.

    According to an article written at Daily Mail, 1 in 3 people will go into debt during the holiday season!  We at FIRMS want to make sure we don’t see your name on one of our future contact lists and so we have created a few simple tips and tricks that you can use this holiday season to help you spend less, save more, and avoid going into debt.

    The easiest thing to do at Christmas time is spend money.  With all the Christmas and New Year’s parties to attend, the traveling during the holidays, and the gift buying, there is no doubt that December will be an expensive month for most people.  Follow some of these steps below and you’re guaranteed to save some money.

  1. Make sure and track your spending.  Keeping track of your spending by writing down every purchase you make at the end of the day will help you put into perspective how much money you have going out of your checking account and wallet.  Go out and buy a little notebook and start writing down every purchase you make.  It helps to cut down on those extra purchases that add up in the end.
  2. Pay with cash.  It is all too easy to charge everything on your credit card or your check card.  But studies show that we have a tendency to spend more when we pay with a card over cash.  Go online and do your shopping, then go to the store and buy your gifts suing cash and LEAVE YOUR CARD AT HOME!  If you bring just enough cash and leave your card at the house you will be less likely to buy those extra gifts you can’t afford.
  3. Budget! Budget! Budget!  If you haven’t already set a budget for your monthly expenses and bills GO DO IT NOW.  Seriously, you need to have a handle on the money you have coming in and going out.  Being aware of what you have available in your checking account will prevent you from overspending on gifts and then being cut short on your bills when they are due.
  4. Think outside the box.  When it comes to gifts remember that some of the best gifts you can give is your time and talent.  Maybe you can offer to help a friend clean up their computer?  Or you can offer to babysit for a date night for friends or family in lieu of buying a gift.  Invite friends over for a movie night or have them over for a dinner party.  These are little ways to share more of the spirit of the holiday season and save yourself some money at the same time.

    Remember, the holiday’s are mainly about having time to share love with your friends and family and less about spending exuberant amounts of money on gifts we won’t remember next year.  So this Christmas, leave your credit cards at home and spend some extra hours close to the one’s you love the most and you’ll have priceless memories for years to come.

Happy Holiday’s from the best debt collection agency in the business,

  • FIRMS.

FIRMS Customer Interview

    As a business owner or office manager, a large part of your responsibilities can be managing the debt collection for your business or office.  At FIRMS we work with doctor’s offices all over the United States assisting office managers and business owners in helping to keep their doors open by collecting on the outstanding debts and working with their patients and customers to collect those outstanding debts.  As a premier debt collection company, FIRMS takes great pride in helping local businesses stay open and grow along with making their process of managing their accounts simplified and streamlined.  

FIRMS took a look at the debt collection industry and asked the question “what can FIRMS do better?”  FIRMS offers you real time status on every single account.  Did your customer make a payment to their outstanding debt?  You’ll know about it just as soon as the payment is collected.  Did FIRMS attempt to contact one of your customers?  You’ll be updated about it immediately.

FIRMS recently interviewed one of our current customers in upstate New York.  Malara Eyecare has been one of FIRMS clients since their former debt collection company, MedRev was forced to shut down due to poor business practices for a debt collection company.

FIRMS:  “What was your reason for hiring FIRMS to manage your office debt collection?”

Malara Eyecare:  “We were working with MedRev until New York State forced them to close.  At that time we needed FIRMS to come in and help our office and assist in collecting on our outstanding debts.”

FIRMS:  “Are you more satisfied with FIRMS than you were with MedRev?”

M.E.C.:  “Yes, of course we are!  We are much happier with FIRMS.  The process is much simpler and it has saved our office workers so many hours in updating accounts and tracking where each account is in the process of collections.”

FIRMS:  “What is one thing you like the most about FIRMS?”

M.E.C.: “I would say the website and account login.  This is such a huge development for us to manage the accounts and get accurate and real time updates on everything that is happening within our customer profiles and accounts.”

FIRMS:  “Is there anything you would change about your working relationship with FIRMS or anything you would suggest to improve upon?”

M.E.C.:  “Not at all.  This has been such an amazing transition and has saved our office so much time and money.  We love working with FIRMS and appreciate FIRMS continued support of our business.”

Are you struggling with your current debt collection agency?  Are you looking for an easier, simpler way for your business to collect on the outstanding debts owed?  Give FIRMS a call today and let us show you a better way to work with a debt collection company.

    FIRMS Debt Collection Agency:  1-800-655-4526 and to let us know how you heard about FIRMS!

FIRMS, helping people all year.

        As we come to the holiday season, with Thanksgiving having gone and Christmas being just around the corner, we approach a time of the year when everyone begins to place others ahead of themselves.  We think about the loved ones in our lives, friends and family, and we also consider those less fortunate than ourselves and how we can help them have a better holiday season.  From charitable donations and donating to the red cross, to paying it forward, we are surrounded by love and kindness this holiday season brings.

At FIRMS, we work to help those in need or in tight financial positions in life on an everyday basis.  Part of our mission at FIRMS is to help those who could benefit from a little assistance.  While most debt collection agencies in the debt collection business focus only on collecting the debt due and blurring the line between harassment and due diligence, FIRMS places our focus on collecting debt for our clients and also helping those who are in tight financial binds.

FIRMS realized that some people are simply in tight spots and need help wherever they can get it.  Our specialists at FIRMS will often contact individuals who have fallen behind on their bills due to a loss in employment.  While most debt collection companies may continue to call and send letters demanding immediate payment FIRMS has decided to take a very different approach.  FIRMS specialists will assist individuals in not only creating and improving their resume but also in sending their resume out to various job search websites to help them find employment and get back on their feet and on their way to financial freedom.

At FIRMS we are not only focused on collecting outstanding debts for our clients, that is our chief focus, but we are also very interested in helping people live a better life and building strong ties in the communities where we provide our top tier services of debt collection.

       At FIRMS we never just see dollars and cents but we see families and individuals and we see businesses thriving and communities strengthened and brought closer together.

We feel that FIRMS can make a positive and lasting impact not only for your business but for your customers who may have fallen behind on their bills and in the community where you do business.  Remember when it comes to debt collection companies and debt collection services, FIRMS stands above all the rest.


  • FIRMS.

Saving Money To Avoid Going Into Debt

Nobody wants to get a notification from a debt collection agency that they have an outstanding debt, even if it’s from an amazing debt collection company such as FIRMS (we’re a little bias).  Nonetheless, we at FIRMS have written a post to help you plan for your financial future and avoid falling into unnecessary debt.

Life can bring a variety of uncertain twists and turns and without being properly prepared for those funny little bumps in the road  we can find ourselves struggling to financially handle them.  When life brings those twists and turns and we are unable to financially pay for them, we can begin a life of debt in order to cover our unexpected bills.  However, establishing a proper savings account can help us avoid going into unnecessary debt and can keep us financially liquid and stable for the rest of our lives.

There are 4 main twists and turns that can cause us to go into debt if we are not prepared.

  1. Unexpected Medical Bills.
  2. Sudden loss in employment.
  3. Significant life changes.
  4. Divorce.

Most of these financial hiccups can be handled without being forced into debt if we are properly prepared and we can properly prepare by simply saving money.  Some experts suggest having three months of expenses in your checking account at any given time along with having a separate emergency fund in order to be adequately prepared.

If you don’t have any form of savings for those emergencies and unexpected financial burdens in life, we suggest starting with a basic emergency fund where you will save $1,000.  Saving an initial $1,000 is important because it will help you focus on putting money away and it won’t make the process of saving seem so daunting.

Once you have your initial $1,000 emergency fund saved you can begin setting more money aside to build your main fund of having two-three months of expenses saved and available, should you experience a sudden financial burden.

We have 5 top ways to start saving money today.

  1. Set a budget…AND STICK TO IT.  Don’t allow yourself to deviate from your budget once it’s set.
  2. Don’t stress spend.  Most of us tend to make little purchases whenever we want to or when things get stressful but those purchases can add up fast!
  3. Eat out less and cook more.  Going out to restaurants for your meals can get expensive, especially if you’re doing it more than once a day.  Start cooking your meals at home, it will save money and bring your family closer together too.
  4. Save anything and everything.  You found an extra $3 in the laundry?  Put in your savings account instead of spending it.  No matter how big or small the amount is, put it in your savings account, you’ll be amazed how fast your savings account can reach your goal.
  5. Wait 30 days before making a significant, non-essential purchase.  Thinking of buying that new $60 video game?  Wait 30-days.  You’re less likely to make those insignificant purchases after 30 days and those $60 video games can add up fast and keep you from reaching your savings goals.

Saving money for unexpected life events and bills can be fun and easy when you put your mind to it.  Don’t be intimidated by the number you need to save, start saving now and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you reach your goals.  Your future self will thank you for it.


  • FIRMS.