Tag Archives: Holidays

Saving Money During The Holiday’s

    Christmas Day is only ONE WEEK away!  Where has 2015 gone?  While most of you are no doubt almost finished with your holiday and Christmas gift buying there is still time to avoid going into debt and save money and at FIRMS, the premiere debt collection company, we are hoping to help you do just that.

    According to an article written at Daily Mail, 1 in 3 people will go into debt during the holiday season!  We at FIRMS want to make sure we don’t see your name on one of our future contact lists and so we have created a few simple tips and tricks that you can use this holiday season to help you spend less, save more, and avoid going into debt.

    The easiest thing to do at Christmas time is spend money.  With all the Christmas and New Year’s parties to attend, the traveling during the holidays, and the gift buying, there is no doubt that December will be an expensive month for most people.  Follow some of these steps below and you’re guaranteed to save some money.

  1. Make sure and track your spending.  Keeping track of your spending by writing down every purchase you make at the end of the day will help you put into perspective how much money you have going out of your checking account and wallet.  Go out and buy a little notebook and start writing down every purchase you make.  It helps to cut down on those extra purchases that add up in the end.
  2. Pay with cash.  It is all too easy to charge everything on your credit card or your check card.  But studies show that we have a tendency to spend more when we pay with a card over cash.  Go online and do your shopping, then go to the store and buy your gifts suing cash and LEAVE YOUR CARD AT HOME!  If you bring just enough cash and leave your card at the house you will be less likely to buy those extra gifts you can’t afford.
  3. Budget! Budget! Budget!  If you haven’t already set a budget for your monthly expenses and bills GO DO IT NOW.  Seriously, you need to have a handle on the money you have coming in and going out.  Being aware of what you have available in your checking account will prevent you from overspending on gifts and then being cut short on your bills when they are due.
  4. Think outside the box.  When it comes to gifts remember that some of the best gifts you can give is your time and talent.  Maybe you can offer to help a friend clean up their computer?  Or you can offer to babysit for a date night for friends or family in lieu of buying a gift.  Invite friends over for a movie night or have them over for a dinner party.  These are little ways to share more of the spirit of the holiday season and save yourself some money at the same time.

    Remember, the holiday’s are mainly about having time to share love with your friends and family and less about spending exuberant amounts of money on gifts we won’t remember next year.  So this Christmas, leave your credit cards at home and spend some extra hours close to the one’s you love the most and you’ll have priceless memories for years to come.

Happy Holiday’s from the best debt collection agency in the business,

  • FIRMS.

FIRMS, helping people all year.

        As we come to the holiday season, with Thanksgiving having gone and Christmas being just around the corner, we approach a time of the year when everyone begins to place others ahead of themselves.  We think about the loved ones in our lives, friends and family, and we also consider those less fortunate than ourselves and how we can help them have a better holiday season.  From charitable donations and donating to the red cross, to paying it forward, we are surrounded by love and kindness this holiday season brings.

At FIRMS, we work to help those in need or in tight financial positions in life on an everyday basis.  Part of our mission at FIRMS is to help those who could benefit from a little assistance.  While most debt collection agencies in the debt collection business focus only on collecting the debt due and blurring the line between harassment and due diligence, FIRMS places our focus on collecting debt for our clients and also helping those who are in tight financial binds.

FIRMS realized that some people are simply in tight spots and need help wherever they can get it.  Our specialists at FIRMS will often contact individuals who have fallen behind on their bills due to a loss in employment.  While most debt collection companies may continue to call and send letters demanding immediate payment FIRMS has decided to take a very different approach.  FIRMS specialists will assist individuals in not only creating and improving their resume but also in sending their resume out to various job search websites to help them find employment and get back on their feet and on their way to financial freedom.

At FIRMS we are not only focused on collecting outstanding debts for our clients, that is our chief focus, but we are also very interested in helping people live a better life and building strong ties in the communities where we provide our top tier services of debt collection.

       At FIRMS we never just see dollars and cents but we see families and individuals and we see businesses thriving and communities strengthened and brought closer together.

We feel that FIRMS can make a positive and lasting impact not only for your business but for your customers who may have fallen behind on their bills and in the community where you do business.  Remember when it comes to debt collection companies and debt collection services, FIRMS stands above all the rest.


  • FIRMS.